Hi there,
I am having a problem with this rb450g. It turns on, it beeps and that´s all. So, I tried to conect using a serial cable. It showed me this erro message, which I am gonna post here.
Any idieia how to fix it ?
Use xmodem transfer method by Hyperterminal.Link to the newest RouterBOOT version,
please read it again, much slower:Is this the file I should donwload it ?
How am I supposed to upload it ? IS the the same proceedure as upload RouterOS to the board ?
RouterBOOT booter 2.29
RouterBoard 433AH
CPU frequency: 680 MHz
Memory size: 128 MB
Press any key within 2 seconds to enter setup
What do you want to configure?
d - boot delay
k - boot key
s - serial console
n - silent boot
o - boot device
u - cpu mode
f - cpu frequency
r - reset booter configuration
e - format nand
g - upgrade firmware
i - board info
p - boot protocol
b - booter options
t - do memory testing
x - exit setup
your choice: g - upgrade firmware
Upgrade firmware options:
e - upgrade firmware over ethernet
s - upgrade firmware over serial port
your choice: s - upgrade firmware over serial port
xmodem receiver ready, waiting for data...
press <Ctrl>+X several times to cancel transfer
yesIs this link it'll get me to downlaod the file I should upload to the board ?
yesand using hyperterminal. should I do the same proceedure but changing the options to upgrade the firmaware ?
Is that it ?