I have arranged for a port mirror on a switch so that all data passing through the switch is pumped to 'ether2' on my mikrotik. I also configured /ip traffic-flow to monitor ether2 and export netflow data to my collector.
I expected to see netflows of all traffic on the collector, but I only see netflows from broadcast traffic. I have played with various approaches, such as creating a bridge from ether2 and ether3 (which is not connected) but to no avail.
I made sure that the data is on the wire, I can see all (non-broadcast) traffic if I connect the wire to a PC and tcpdump, and I can also see the traffic in /tool sniffer.
I also found this wiki page http://wiki.mikrotik.com/wiki/Manual:IP/Traffic_Flow that says
... but it is not very informative about how to MAKE IT WORK.For example, you set up mirror port on switch, connect mirror port to router and set traffic flow to count mirrored packets. Unfortunately such setup will not work, because mirrored packets are dropped before they reach input chain.
I have router OS 4.6 on a mikrotik 800 routerboard.
Any ideas?