Hi all.
We use this script to connect remote offices to main office even if main link in main office down.
This script working fine on 3.30 but on 4.17 it fails and highlighting equals sign in red.
I can't find what wrong.
Can somebodey help me with this?
:if ([/ping [/interface l2tp-client get office_main connect-to] count=10]<3) do={:global s1 "na"; interface
l2tp-client monitor [find name="office_backup"] once do={:set s1 $status}; :if ($s1="disabled") do={:log info "Main
vpn link down, will try to switch to backup one."; :if ([/ping [/interface l2tp-client get office_backup connect-to]
count=10]>5) do={:log info "We can ping backup interface, going to use it"; /interface l2tp-client disable [find
name=office_main]; interface l2tp-client enable [find name=office_backup]} else={:log info "We can't ping backup
interface, just waiting"}}} else={:global s "na"; interface l2tp-client monitor [find name="office_backup"] once
do={:set s $status}; :if ($s!="disabled") do={:log info "Main link up, going to connect vpn"; /interface l2tp-client
disable [find name=office_backup]; interface l2tp-client enable [find name=office_main]}}