POST EDIT: this happened because I was using an automated HTTP client but it didn't log out. Please have a look to this thread for more information. Regards
Hi all
My The Dude web server is not refreshing the traffic statistics nor the graphs I have defined in the graphs menu.
However, it refresh the maps and the graphs of a service running in a device.
I can force a refresh by accessing settings -> Server and disabling the web server and reenabling it again.
As an example, you may see a snmp traffic image obtained through web with a Mozilla Firefox. The hour of the image must be at near 9:30. Below is a window from The Dude with the same link taken at 11:37 and down, at the right you may see Windows' hour of my Dude server at 11:37
The image of the web browser has been obtained within seconds of the screencopy (no I did not get the image and left here two hours).
I tested with both MozillaFirefox and MicrosoftInternetExplorer, and both gave the same results.
I took the screencopy with Irfanview.
Any clue? Is there a way to get those graphs updated?
If not... Is there a way to stop and re start authomatically the Dude's web server without stopping The Dude server itself?