I cant seem to get ROS 3.X (stable) to send any "sniff pakets" to the CALEA server.
I have created the SRC and DST rules in the forward chain, but torch chows no pakets sent to the CALEA server.
I see the folder structure being built on the "server" but no files (as there are no capture pakets being sent)..
I am trying to test this on an X86 platform... I have tried with the CALEA server both local and remote..
Any Ideas??
CALEA rules.
Sniffing router:
0 chain=forward action=sniff-pc sniff-target= sniff-target-port=5555 sniff-id=100 src-address=
1 chain=forward action=sniff-pc sniff-target= sniff-target-port=5555 sniff-id=100 dst-address=
2 chain=forward action=sniff-pc sniff-target= sniff-target-port=5555 sniff-id=100 src-address=
3 chain=forward action=sniff-pc sniff-target= sniff-target-port=5555 sniff-id=100 dst-address=
(You should only need two rules, but I am trying to get ANYTHING and was wondering if the NAT was comming into play)
CALEA setting for "Server":
0 case-id=100 case-name="CALEA" intercept-ip= intercept-port=5555
action=pcap pcap-file-stop-interval=15m pcap-file-stop-size=1024
pcap-file-stop-count=0 pcap-file-hash-method=md5
I am trying to write code to copy the CALEA files to a secure FTP files for the LEAs to access...