Fri Nov 18, 2011 3:54 pm
I made this short script trying to reduce efforts of migration
:global nam;
:global pass;
:global loc;
:global firstnam;
/too u u
:foreach e in=[find] do={:set nam [get $e name]; :set pass [get $e password]; :set loc [get $e location]; :set firstnam [get $e first-name]; remove $e; ad copy-from=TEMPLATE name=$nam password=$pass location=$loc first-name=$firstnam; };
you need create a TEMPLATE user with assigned profile (another user did this great workaround), if you need you can add more parameters as last name, phone ... etc
step by step since old db um.rsc, remember pool-name and rate-limit parameter isnt anymore (profile has that now), so it must be erased before /too u u set [fin] pool-name=""; /too u u set [find] rate-limit=""
1) in notepad replace "subscriber" by "customer", save it
2)now on box with new um, run or paste oldum.rsc to add all users
3)now run this script
4)now u'll have all users with profile
as fact if you need different profiles you can do it having more template user and using [find] in the script as you consider