I just upgraded to 5.7, my board came shipped with 4.14 ...
on the HT tab, i have chain0 for both Tx and Rx checked, chain1 is unchecked
on the Wireless tab:
Band: 5GHz-only-N
Channel Width: 20/40Mhz HT Above
Frequency Mode: manual_txpower
Wireless Protocol: 802.11
the speeds are really making me angry right now, it has issues streaming 720p movies
i am about to try rate-selection=advanced
EDIT: with rate-selection=advanced my connection speed is 120-150 Mbps, it keeps changing
any idea how to bump that up to 300?
if i switch Channel Width to 20/40Mhz HT Below my speed drops to 65 Mbps
increasing my Frequency above 5180 (which is the lowest) drops by speed to 65Mbps, when I switch back to 5180, the speed goes back to 130Mbps...
Well, you still didn't enable chain1 isn't it? If only one chain is enabled you only get 150Mbps max.
Connection rates as messaged by the adapters is not the speed. It is actually the rate both radio's agreed upon to work with. The routine on which both agree to communicate with each other is a result of the quality of the link.
The quality of the link is measured in how many package are reaching ´the other end´ without the need to be resend. The more re-sends needed, the poorer the link. Both radio's might than decide to work at a lower rate. This because lower rates (and in ´n´ protocol this can also just mean "other rates" with different coding technology) are usually more stable and sees less ´re-sends´.
Since its all wireless and circumstances are changing every second at times you'll see the rates jump up and down. Just the movement of a pet or human body in the same room changes it. Even a heating source as TV or radiator can already have influence! Even the fact how much data is transported already has an influence on the way how the radio software interprets on what quality the link has.
(I package re-send in 10 is 10% which makes a link not so good. But 1 package in 100 is only 1% which is 10 times better! So the more data send while the amount of package resends stays sort of the same it increases the link quality and the radio's decide to step up to a higher level.)
Mentioned 300Mbps speeds are maximum connection rates that can be reached under ideal circumstances.
Since radio's while sending date packages to each other also send info they both use for setting the link quality and (amongst several other) encryption etc. the real ´usable´ bandwidth of the link is always much lower.
And even if one radio is only downloading that same radio has to send some traffic back to sender (all the data both communicate about on how the packages are receiving and if the rates need to be set and the encryption etc. etc.) so it is almost impossible to reach the 300Mbps download. Speeds mentioned in wireless are therefore also always "aggregated".
So, if you would have a stable maximum connection rate between 2 radio's that can maintain such under heavy load traffic the maximum user data throughput (like a file transfer) will be somewhere in the 250Mb region. Yet again, ideal circumstances!
I would say that if you would manage to get 200Mb tcp traffic through a wireless pipe in full 40Mhz mimo you already have done a good job!