how would one know when their is an interference from others radio's.what should one look for?
how would you trace the problems.
As concerning my link i have setup my AP on 5240 frequency and its been connected for almost 14hrs hope it keeps up.
i had to run a snooper and found that the frequency of 5300 i used at first was being used by a couple of people.
Best would be to have a scan with a spectrum analyser. But they are quit expensive. It will show every signal that is interfering with your frequency of choice. No matter if this is another wifi or a microwave or other source emitting radio energy.
Second option is to run a wireless scan (winbox / Interface / Wireless / scan) in both 20Mhz and 10Mhz bandwidth. It will show you which other users of same or adjacent channels there are.
Effects of interferences can be; low CCQ's (<60) when there in itself is enough signal (better than -85) and high noise levels (> -100->-90).
You might also notice that the noise floor level is fluctuating some db's.
Depending on the chosen working mode for the wireless adapter (NV2, nstreme, 802.11) you will also see disconnects... This is actually the best sign interference might be an issue.