by the way, what does it count now? because earlier, when you use 'connection-limit', it counted ALL tcp connections, even if you set some limits, like 'dst-port=25'. so, if you now set 'protocol=tcp connection-limit=...', what will it count: only TCP connections, or all connections from that IP?
I'm personally interested in limiting SMTP connections - is it (will it be) possible to do that?..
MT Staff?..
BSD Staff
${ipfw} add allow tcp from "table(1)" to any setup limit src-addr 200
${ipfw} add allow udp from "table(1)" to any limit src-addr 200
####################---------Table 1 limited networks #200 tcp / 200 udp
${ipfw} table 1 add ..*.0/22
${ipfw} table 1 add ..*.128/25