We have 5000 users Network it is file with Mikrotik 450G and D-link DES-3026 switch, we have updated our network with DGS-3200 Gigabit D-link switches.. now the problem user unable to brows the net when the connectivity like this..
Main Fiber line is connected to DGS-3200 Switch From DGS to one cable is connected to DES-3026, other cable is connected to Mikrotik 450G Wan port, and some other cable is connected from MIkrotik 450G to DES-3026 Switch for Lan users (we have two VLANS on DES-3026 Switch) at this time users unable to brows any thing when we are disconnecting the cable from DGS-3200 to DES-3026 the network is fine but we are unable to monitor our DES-3026 switch due disconnection of cable...
is there any good solution for this issue,
we already discussed with D-link Technical support Team..
Thanks & Regards