Sun Jun 02, 2013 7:21 am
I can't believe it has been 2 years since the original post on this thread and we still are EXACTLY in the same spot we were when we started.
For God's sake, we put men on the moon using a computer with less computing power than an RB250G. You would think that SOMEONE by now would be able to figure out how to get the stinking ethernet ports to be recognized by RouterOS when run on Hyper-V!!
But alas, it seems it is not technology that is the boulder in the highway, it is finger-pointing and the blame-game. "It's MS's fault". "No it's not, it's Mikrotik's fault" "No it's really the Linux community's fault"... WHO FRIGGING CARES WHO IS AT FAULT.
Just FIX the DAMNED thing already.
MK - Step up to the plate, be like the Apollo 13 astronauts, grab some flipping duct tape, some popsicle sticks and chewing gum and FIX THE ISSUE PLEASE.