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Recommend Portwell or Supermicro Hardware Platforms

Thu Feb 09, 2006 12:08 am

Hello Folks,

We are basically looking at standardizing our Mikrotik router platforms to a single hardware vendor..down from the anything goes policy currently in place :?

We've narrowed the vendors down to Portwell and Supermicro however, we are still concerned over Mikrotik compatibility with the various models from each maker...still feeling burnt from our HP Server experiences :(

We would GREATLY appreciate any recommended models from either of these vendors that work reliability with Mikrotik router OS 2.9.x. Our performance requirements vary from low-end, simple, no frilles, BGP edge routing to 500 User Hotspots/QoS/Traffic Shaping/Extensive Firewall rules deployments.

Many Thanks,

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Thu Feb 09, 2006 10:21 am

I would strongly recommend Portwell as platform.
We have used various models with good success (ranging from small desktop appliances to bigger 19" models).
They are performant (depending on the model, of course), the pricing seems good to me, and they just work with MikroTik.

Just my 2 (Euro-)Cent...

Best regards,
Christian Meis
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Thu Feb 09, 2006 10:25 am

in the top image of this page you can see a supermicro (which kinda proves that they work well):
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Thu Feb 09, 2006 8:07 pm

I use 3 SuperMicros...

Works GREAT lasts long time.....

I tie three sites together with 80 users remote from the servers all tied together via IPSEC tunnels with Xeon based SuperMicro platforms and they dont miss a beat...

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Sat Feb 11, 2006 3:17 pm

Thanks Guys for the replies! ...Greatly appreciated!!!

It did seem like it would be hard to go wrong with either product. Other than the fact the Mikrotik OS doesn't support SMP or SCSI contollers will any of the various single CPU, IDE models from these vendors work successfully with the Mikrotik OS?

I'm aware that the CF Adapter on the portwell's are secondaries, not primaries. Our thoughts were buying the Mikrotik IDE flash modules for each server and have a single secondary drive in each one for logs, web cache, etc... We're doing variations of this today with the IDE and CF Flash but it's pretty much a dogs breakfest of hardware involved.

I do have one last comment. After searching your forums I see that I'm not the only one asking the same "will it work with Mikrotik" questions. Maybe it's time for a Supported or Certified Hardware list. I know there are many legal as well as time/effort issues with this but I think the benefits far outway the bad?

So rather than have your customers wasting their time trying and testing various hardware platforms they could be installing more Mikrotik powered devices :D



P.S. For those of you who might be in the same situation stay far away from the HP DL320 SATA line-up of servers. Even though they state the SATA controller supports "Legacy Mode" THEY DON'T!! :evil: We've wasted a huge amount of time both trying to make it work and talking with HP Tech Support.