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RB 450G is hot?

Fri May 21, 2010 10:14 pm

What is normal operating temperature of RB 450G? According to System Health monitor my RB is 60-65C. Is it normal, or maybe dangerous? There is no special ventilation, but nothing is blocking the vents on the RB box as it stands on a shelf.
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Re: RB 450G is hot?

Mon May 24, 2010 3:31 pm

What is normal operating temperature of RB 450G? According to System Health monitor my RB is 60-65C. Is it normal, or maybe dangerous? There is no special ventilation, but nothing is blocking the vents on the RB box as it stands on a shelf.
I have the same temperature,i just have simple solution for these,buy a cheap 10$ fan and aim it to the 450g :lol: ,gone into 45C.
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Re: RB 450G is hot?

Mon May 24, 2010 10:50 pm

Mine works around 55-60C without much load. It seems this RB runs a bit to the hot side.
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Re: RB 450G is hot?

Mon May 24, 2010 11:13 pm

Mine is 68oC in server room... :)
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Re: RB 450G is hot?

Tue May 25, 2010 12:27 am

mine is not working stable at 800Mhz :D
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Re: RB 450G is hot?

Tue May 25, 2010 2:20 am

mine is not working stable at 800Mhz :D
680 Mhz is the factory default speed. I would expect more cooling would be required to work stable at a higher speed.

Atleast overclocking CPU's for gaming require additional cooling compared to standard CPU speeds. I would also expect overclocked routers would run hotter and be less stable unless you have more cooling.
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Re: RB 450G is hot?

Tue May 25, 2010 2:34 am

What is normal operating temperature of RB 450G? According to System Health monitor my RB is 60-65C. Is it normal, or maybe dangerous? There is no special ventilation, but nothing is blocking the vents on the RB box as it stands on a shelf.
The temperature sensor is on a hot part of the board, possibly on or underneath the CPU. The temperatures will be higher than the ambient air.
My rb450g is 52 C, but is only running at 1% CPU utilization, I have seen 60-65C before. My router might be sitting on it's side instead of flat, so there may be more ventilation through the case. If you have it mounted in a case, try taking the cover off to let the heat rise away from the CPU easier. If if not in a case, add a fan if you think it is too warm, but I wouldn't worry unless you were seeing 70C or the router was crashing. If the router is not using the CPU Load at 60-100%, you can try a lower frequency to underclock it and lower the heat generated by the CPU slightly.
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Re: RB 450G is hot?

Tue May 25, 2010 5:31 am

I think I would worry and actually worry a lot since the RB450G is suppose to work up to 45C according to this:

It is not very clear though if that is the ambient air temp in the box or the sensor's temp and where the sensor is located at. However, even if we assume the sensor's location is inside the CPU, 55-60C is still a pretty high temp to run without any load whatsoever.
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Re: RB 450G is hot?

Tue May 25, 2010 7:09 am

I am replacing one of these with a dual core soon. Load is too high, speeeds in Bulgaria are reaching the top limits.

On one of these, I have cut off the space from above, I "glued" it to the bottom of a shelf. Its running at 60C right now but in hot summer I would add a 12v fan that I cut off of a cheapo chinese atx psu. If I have time I could even experiment with 800MHz.

Another one I "glued" to the side. Its running 55C. Will see what will happen in hot summer.

I need to check the capacitors if they are "bad-caps".
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Re: RB 450G is hot?

Tue May 25, 2010 7:42 am

I think I would worry and actually worry a lot since the RB450G is suppose to work up to 45C according to this:
I believe this is operational temperature - so this numbers are for environment outside the router. I don't think that -20C is possible inside the 450G without any additional cooling :)
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Re: RB 450G is hot?

Mon May 31, 2010 4:31 pm

I have placed near RB 450G 60mm fan from old PC case, connected it to the old 5V power supply, so it runs slowly and quiet.
Now System Health shows 42-45C, that is way better then up to 69C without cooling :) One serious disadvantage - it is better not to blind-touch the RB450G, because of the open fan :)
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Re: RB 450G is hot?

Tue Jul 05, 2011 11:08 pm

I noticed that my RB450G is running at a temp of 92 degrees :o and a voltage of 13.3 Volt :D
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Re: RB 450G is hot?

Tue Jul 05, 2011 11:40 pm

Some info from mine rb450g
[guest@RB450G] /system health> print 
      voltage: 22.5V
  temperature: 51C
[guest@RB450G] /system> resource print 
                   uptime: 2d12h18m45s
                  version: 5.4
              free-memory: 240180KiB
             total-memory: 257120KiB
                      cpu: MIPS 24Kc V7.4
                cpu-count: 1
            cpu-frequency: 400MHz
                 cpu-load: 1%
           free-hdd-space: 471396KiB
          total-hdd-space: 520192KiB
  write-sect-since-reboot: 10122
         write-sect-total: 156588
               bad-blocks: 1.3%
        architecture-name: mipsbe
               board-name: RB450G
                 platform: MikroTik
[guest@RB450G] /system> 
As you can see, ~51° in the middle of summer (room temp around 28-30°), with CPU frequency reduced to 400 MHz.
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Re: RB 450G is hot?

Wed Jul 06, 2011 1:48 am

Put outside of bedroom/office with additional cooling fan :)
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Re: RB 450G is hot?

Wed Jul 06, 2011 10:32 am

I think I would worry and actually worry a lot since the RB450G is suppose to work up to 45C according to this:

It is not very clear though if that is the ambient air temp in the box or the sensor's temp and where the sensor is located at. However, even if we assume the sensor's location is inside the CPU, 55-60C is still a pretty high temp to run without any load whatsoever.
that's the outdoor air temperature, not the board temperature!
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Re: RB 450G is hot?

Tue Jul 19, 2011 7:44 pm

At what RB4xx temperature sensor reading do we need to set our Nagios alarms?

I have one unit mounted in a box in a field with no trees which is seeing readings of 80 C for two or three hours in the afternoon. I am going to try to build the equipment enclosure some shade.
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Re: RB 450G is hot?

Wed Jul 20, 2011 11:34 am

did you see any problems at the 80C temperature reading?

the temperature sensor is not very accurate so do not trust only that.
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Re: RB 450G is hot?

Mon Jul 25, 2011 7:44 am

If I replace the poweradapter 24v with a 12v one, should that decrease the temperature?

With 24v it's now: 24,5 Volt 61 C
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Re: RB 450G is hot?

Tue Aug 30, 2011 2:18 am

did you see any problems at the 80C temperature reading?

the temperature sensor is not very accurate so do not trust only that.
So, no "rules of thumb?" 10% margin of error? 30% margin of error? 10% margin at 20C, 60% margin at 25C, to be ridiculous?

I have not seen errors which I could attribute to the mikrotik showing a temperature of 80C. Once the days got warm enough that the Mikrotik spent a couple of hours at that temperature, the 12v DC - 120v AC inverter in the same box began shutting down due to thermal issues.

Unfortunately, the mikrotik is the only thermal sensor I have in many locations.
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Re: RB 450G is hot?

Thu Dec 22, 2011 2:57 pm

some more intersting info

This router is so important, I cant even down it for a minute and we get in trouble with the banks voip, waiting in christmas to replace it sometime :-)

just noticed this now on the 450g, cpu peaks to 100% easily at times, pushes around 3M of g729 voip thru with around 30M of data concurrently, i see no issues so far on it, but growing pains would require upgrade soon i guess :-(

cpu-used: 89
free-memory: 222076

voltage: 21.7V
temperature: 82C

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Re: RB 450G is hot?

Thu Aug 09, 2012 4:00 pm

some more intersting info

This router is so important, I cant even down it for a minute and we get in trouble with the banks voip, waiting in christmas to replace it sometime :-)

just noticed this now on the 450g, cpu peaks to 100% easily at times, pushes around 3M of g729 voip thru with around 30M of data concurrently, i see no issues so far on it, but growing pains would require upgrade soon i guess :-(

cpu-used: 89
free-memory: 222076

voltage: 21.7V
temperature: 82C

where is placed temperature sonsor on RB450G?
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Re: RB 450G is hot?

Wed Aug 15, 2012 7:52 am

Isn't it built into the CPU ? Or Under it perhaps?

With the new hardware-only queue I think we can underclock it a little bit from 680 to 600 and even 400Mhz to achieve better temperaturers, what do you think?

P.S. I replaced the original 24V adapter with 12V - an ATX HIPRO HP-M1854F3P Rev 03 and the temperature under load is down to 53C even ath 800Mhz. The top cover is not on the unit though so any heated air raises up much more easily.

I am putting the fan on there though, can't risk router reboot due to overheating.
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Re: RB 450G is hot?

Tue Jan 22, 2013 10:56 am

Is it possible to add on some RB models (450g...) 3 pin connector for fan? Just like we have it on pc motherboards.
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Re: RB 450G is hot?

Tue Jan 22, 2013 11:05 pm

there is no room for a fan inside so you need to make some modification to the case or watever. if you know what are you doing you know also to solder a jack to the board,or split the power cable, am i right? :lol:
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Re: RB 450G is hot?

Wed Jan 23, 2013 8:03 am

there is no room for a fan inside so you need to make some modification to the case or watever. if you know what are you doing you know also to solder a jack to the board,or split the power cable, am i right? :lol:
the RB450G already has two power jacks (one inside the indoor case, one outside)
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Re: RB 450G is hot?

Wed Jan 23, 2013 5:51 pm

i forgot about that :D
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Re: RB 450G is hot?

Tue Feb 05, 2013 9:20 am

this a new one RB450G without load anything but temperature high to.
(room temp around 28-30°)

[admin@routerboard] > system health print
voltage: 25.1V
temperature: 58C

[admin@routerboard] > system resource print
uptime: 2h8m16s
version: 5.20
free-memory: 247120KiB
total-memory: 257108KiB
cpu: MIPS 24Kc V7.4
cpu-count: 1
cpu-frequency: 680MHz
cpu-load: 2%
free-hdd-space: 483124KiB
total-hdd-space: 520192KiB
write-sect-since-reboot: 2826
write-sect-total: 11311
bad-blocks: 0%
architecture-name: mipsbe
board-name: RB450G
platform: MikroTik

better used extra fan. Cause the board quickly aging with temp 58°.
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Re: RB 450G is hot?

Tue Feb 05, 2013 9:25 am

This is not high. Your device doesn't need fan. RouterBOARD can work perfectly until the CPU shows 70-80C.

The "operating temperature" in the specifications brochure is not the CPU temperature, but the ambient (room) temperature. So you should not be worried
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Re: RB 450G is hot?

Wed Mar 20, 2013 7:37 pm

my solution is : run with voltage 12V + without case.
and now the result:

[admin@routerboard] > system health pr
voltage: 12.3V
temperature: 39C

[admin@routerboard] > system resource pr
uptime: 6h48m40s
version: 5.22
free-memory: 245636KiB
total-memory: 257108KiB
cpu: MIPS 24Kc V7.4
cpu-count: 1
cpu-frequency: 680MHz
cpu-load: 0%
free-hdd-space: 481832KiB
total-hdd-space: 520192KiB
write-sect-since-reboot: 1260
write-sect-total: 31323
bad-blocks: 0.1%
architecture-name: mipsbe
board-name: RB450G
platform: MikroTik

what effect use 12 Voltage?
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Re: RB 450G is hot?

Mon Jun 17, 2013 1:58 pm

This is not high. Your device doesn't need fan. RouterBOARD can work perfectly until the CPU shows 70-80C.
Hi Normis
Today is very hot day. Is this problem? RB450G downgraded to 400Mhz
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Re: RB 450G is hot?

Mon Jun 17, 2013 2:03 pm

Ok this is a little too much. See if you can install any kind of cooling.
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Re: RB 450G is hot?

Mon Jun 17, 2013 8:27 pm

Today maximum temperature. It is good hardware. Tomorrow we will solve the cooling
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Re: RB 450G is hot?

Mon Jul 22, 2013 8:26 pm

I just got a 450G and have it set up on my bench to test.

The temp sensor reads 70 C. The unit is hot to the touch.
But this is the first time I have ordered a 450G with the Aluminum Case.

Worried for nothing?
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Re: RB 450G is hot?

Sun Jul 28, 2013 3:01 am


After 2 days in the field... the temps sits at 92 degrees.

normiss... you state that it should be fine up to 80 degrees. I am 12 degrees above that.

Would really appreciate some feed back on this.

I am using a 24V power supply.
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Re: RB 450G is hot?

Thu Mar 27, 2014 12:41 am

82C here and the room is around 20C

edit: after I installed a fan at the top of my rack, temperature went down to 67C
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Re: RB 450G is hot?

Fri Feb 26, 2016 2:50 pm

I know that the topic is old, but... What would you say about this?:
[admin@MikroTik] > /system health print
      voltage: 24.4V
  temperature: 102C
I have replaced the 28V/1A PSU with 12V/1A and downclocked the CPU, but it's still not good:
[admin@MikroTik] /system> health print 
      voltage: 11.8V
  temperature: 81C
[admin@MikroTik] /system> resource print 
                   uptime: 12m51s
                  version: 6.34.2 (stable)
               build-time: Feb/18/2016 06:31:18
              free-memory: 234.7MiB
             total-memory: 256.0MiB
                      cpu: MIPS 24Kc V7.4
                cpu-count: 1
            cpu-frequency: 400MHz
                 cpu-load: 0%
           free-hdd-space: 494.2MiB
          total-hdd-space: 512.0MiB
  write-sect-since-reboot: 73
         write-sect-total: 23853
               bad-blocks: 0%
        architecture-name: mipsbe
               board-name: RB450G
                 platform: MikroTik
and keeps growing. The ambient temperature is around 25C. It's better if I open the metal housing (original one). I'm affraid it's time to buy and install a fan.