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local file transfers slow...

Sun Feb 05, 2012 9:56 pm

Ok so here is my setup. Cable coming in router "A". I have R52Hn cards in both routers. Router A is ap bridge and router "B" is pseudobridge. So I have NO problem downloading at my internet connections max speed wirelessly which is somewhere around 30Mb. I have my desktop in another room connected to the lan on router B. Oh by the way they are routerboard 532a's running 5.11.

Both Wireless and wired connections get 30Mbps down when downloading from the internet. my upload is only around 6Mbps outgoing and I get that sending out. When I file transfer between any wireless clients in any combination i can only get around 1.2MBps max and on avg it's normally more like 700-800KBps. I've tried a TON of different settings. I have an N centrino card in my laptop (i know it's not great) but shouldn't i still be able to get at least g speeds. Transferring files over my local network is so painful! If I could even get 4MB a sec i would be such a happy camper. any ideas? thanks in advance! If i do wired to router A with my laptop & Wired to router B with desktop I can get 2-4Mbps. I'm not using wds but i've tried with and without it.
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Re: local file transfers slow...

Mon Feb 06, 2012 1:21 am

Why do you use pseudobridge?
Why do not you use station-bridge or station-wds mode?
I don't understand what is the exact topology.