For starters, I do apologize if I have posted this in the wrong section.
I guess I'll start with a little back story so everyone can get a feel of where I'm coming from knowledge wise.
I work for a school district that has utilized a wireless network for over five years. I was hired a few years ago (part-time) to help and learn from the Network Administrator that configured the RouterBoards for all the antennas. Before I could learn anything about the configuration of the MikroTik RouterBoards, there as a contract dispute with the district and the Network Admin and he left.
Since then I'm now full-time with occasional help from our areas regional office's computer tech. I have helped program some new MikroTik indoor access points, so I do know my way around the WinBox interface of the RouterBoards. We have 5 locations (1 main office and 4 schools) that have antennas for internet and network. We also utilize a grain bin in one of the two towns are buildings are in.
Back to my problem... Our Superintendent (without asking any questions of his IT department) made the decision to start using a point-to-point system through the phone company in our area to connect 3 or our 4 schools. The one out of the loop will no longer be used within the next two years and would stay on the wireless it is no longer needed. The wireless chain is set up like this. Our district office is where the internet connection comes into the network and our mail, web, monitoring system is located, then shoots to the high school then to the first elementary building. The elementary building sends the signal to the grain bin in the neighboring town about 13 miles away and that signal is split to the two schools there (the second elementary and the middle school).
Everything was working ok, or so I thought. Since the point-to-point and the wireless were still working, I assumed everything was set up correctly. Then there is an issue with the antenna on the high school (that is for a completely different post). This has knocked out the wireless connection to the rest of the chain. Now the point-to-points are taking care of the schools that are connected o the P2P, but the neighboring town's elementary school that is still on the wireless is down until I can find a solution.
What I want to do is change the configuration of the wireless antennas so that the local elementary is the start of the chain and sends the signal over to the grain bin and over to the other elementary school.
I know this is a long read and I am more than willing to give any information and/or screen shots for anyone who is willing to give me a hand and ask more questions. Since my knowledge is very limited, I'm not sure on how much more information I could give.
Thank you in advance,