i have an mt525 board and a 1 watt pcb amp. i have being using this kinda amp for a while but they kept on packing up after 3 weeks. the last 1 i was given "cos of my devotion" i guess has being on for a while now more than 3 weeks but the problem am having with that now is that the performance is alot worse than it used to be alot worse.
its like the sensitivity of the radio increased but at the client point sit reduced. i connected a clietn which was reading -83 at the client end and -79db on MT and that was at the same time. i wonder why there would be such disparity in performance. 1 thing i can remember is that when i was about to return the MTbox up on the mast a blind folk hit the table and the box dropped. i cross checked everything to see if that was the problem but i could still find nothing. yeah i also installed the box in a box with a hole at the bottom and i added a heat sink to the base of the pcb amp. please i would like someone to help me with this. why is it that i cant have a third of my coverage. i have spent so much. what could be wrong is it the borard the wlan card pigtales amp antenna or the wholethig or just joints. please i need help