Here's a simple bridge I simply cannot get to work.
A is a small network
B is a Mikrotik router on a hilltop
C is the internet gateway A cannot see directly.
B has a wireless AP for the clients A and a station connecting to an AP on C.
The routing table is pretty simple but wouldn't using B to bridge A and C be even simpler?
Yet if I bridge the two wireless interfaces on B (A<>B, B<>C) give it an IP address = C/24 and my own CPE in A an address from the C/24 network (and take the original addresses off B's interfaces) I can ping B from A and C from B but I cannot ping C from A, which just times out.
My default gateway at A = C. Should it = B/bridge? Is it a problem with MAC addresses on the bridge and ARP? Or do I need to get technical with firewall rules or proxy ARP for this to work, in which case I probably won't bother.
Thanks for your time.