Mon May 07, 2012 6:54 pm
What kinds of logs are you looking for is the main question. If you want to log all of their HTTP domain requests, then you need to use a proxy to get that information, with a transparent one being the easiest to setup, but it will only work with HTTP. If you wanted more than that, you would need to be able to configure each computer to use the proxy to gather that information.
If you just want to know what IP address they went to, how much data was transfered, etc. the Netflows is the answer to your question. It is available under ip->traffic flow with the MikroTik. The router can send that data to a netflows collector/analyzer. There are several analyzers available depending upon the need, how much you want to pay, and how fast you need it, and what features you want. There are several open source free ones like ntop and nfsen, but they take a bit to setup and you have no support and may not have all the features you are looking for. Then there are tons of collectors that you can pay for, just goolgle them.
Another option is to log new connections in the forward chain of the firewall and send all that information to a syslog server. That will be a lot of information though and not very easy to work with.