Can anyone please tell me what is local-address and remote-address when we configure the profile for PPPoE under /ppp profile? Remote-address kind of make sense as it refers to the pppoe pool we created under /ip pool however I am not able to understand the local-address and purpose of it?
Also on microtik wiki documentation for PPPoE (http://wiki.mikrotik.com/wiki/Manual:In ... escription) it says:-
"Security issue: do not assign an IP address to the interface you will be receiving the PPPoE requests on."
Any reason for this? I have created a VLAN under phy interface and assigned a ip to it is that ok? My setup is as follows if require further clarification....
Wireless CPE <-> Wireless AP <-> Cisco Switch <-> Microtik.
Microtik is acting as PPPoE Access Concentrator for users behind Wireless CPE. Link between Cisco Switch as Wireless AP is set to access mode with vlan 100 and link between Cisco Switch and Microtik is set as trunk allowing multiple VLANs including 100. I have SVI created on VLAN100 under phy interface ether1 on microtik. Reason for doing so it because I want to be able to manage my AP and CPE which are having management addresses which come on vlan 100. So is it ok to assign the IP address to interface where I will be receiving the PPPoE request and what are the consequences of doing so.
If anyone can help that would be great.