I have a Web server located behind a firewall on a private IP address.
I bought cPanel and they do not support NAT.
I need to put the public IP address of the server. How do I do?
The situation is as follows:
I get the link from ISP subnet 212x.xx/30 to port ether1 (RB1100). I've got a provider of class C public IP address.
My web server is on port ether3. How to put the public IP of the web server?
I tried the following:
Web server ether1 ip: 92.x.x.2/24
Gateway: 92.x.x.1/24
RB1100 ether3 IP: 92.x.x.1/24
srcnat chain = action = masquerade src-address =! 92.xxx/24 out-interface = ether1
P. S.
That means I will not NAT.
Please if anybody knows to help me