What would be the possibility to integrate the RB-POE-CON-HP into RouterBoards? This would be fantastic in that RB devices would FINALLY be 802.3at/af compliant. The components seems little / small enough to not have any significant impact.
Baught my first RB-POE-CON-HP and it's basically working with anything I through at it - even Cisco PoE switches. Right now, I've taken the MT POE unit out of the casing, and are mounting them together with my RB into outdoor cases - works fine so far.
Integration and standardisation would be really, really awesome.
002671: Jun 5 18:36:31.658 SAST: %ILPOWER-7-DETECT: Interface Fa1/0/8: Power Device detected: IEEE PD
002672: Jun 5 18:36:37.446 SAST: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface FastEthernet1/0/8, changed state to up
w00p w00pInterface Admin Oper Power Device Class Max
--------- ------ ---------- ------- ------------------- ----- ----
Fa1/0/8 auto on 4.0 Ieee PD 1 15.4
Interface AdminPowerMax AdminConsumption
(Watts) (Watts)
---------- --------------- --------------------
Fa1/0/8 15.4 15.4