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r5SHpn overload and overheat

Wed Jun 06, 2012 1:33 am

Buy two R5SHpn to evaluate and when I connect to a RB411Gl card, everything works fine, until you activate it through the software, the motherboard is restarted each time and not let it load the software, in addition to that is heated as a demon, this happens to me with the two new cards, I have tried to RB411AH, RB433AH and RB411GL, this last burst a diode small when you enable the card. I think this card consumes too much energy, that motherboards can not provide and damage to or leaving these cards are defective. has anyone had experience with them?

Compre dos R5SHpn para evaluarlas y cuando las conecto a una tarjeta RB411Gl, funciona todo bien, hasta el momento de activarla por medio del software, la tarjeta madre se reinicia a cada momento y no la deja cargar el software, ademas a eso se calienta como un demonio, esto me pasa con las dos tarjetas nuevas, las he probado con la RB411AH, RB433AH y la RB411GL, a esta ultima estallo un diodo pequeno cuando le habilite la tarjeta.
Me parece que esta tarjeta consume demasiada energia, que las tarjetas madres no pueden proveerles y las da~a o estas tarjetas estan saliendo defectuosas.
alguien ha tenido experiencias con ellas?
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Re: r5SHpn overload and overheat

Wed Jun 06, 2012 2:26 am

You could try a bigger power supply.

podrias probar con una fuente de mas poder.
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Re: r5SHpn overload and overheat

Wed Jun 06, 2012 3:01 am

I already did and end hurting my  mainboard to a diode that overheated, if the card without activating the turn on it I can see,and configurate, but when you enable it all comes down.

ya lo hice y termine danandole a la tarjeta madre un diodo que se sobrecalento, si la tarjeta la enciendo sin activarla la puedo ver y configurarla, pero al habilitarla todo viene para abajo.
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Re: r5SHpn overload and overheat

Wed Jun 06, 2012 5:03 am

what version you are running?

has contacted support @
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Re: r5SHpn overload and overheat

Wed Jun 06, 2012 5:13 am

ver 5.17, not be contacted to mikrotik.
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Re: r5SHpn overload and overheat

Wed Jun 06, 2012 9:31 am

Sounds like your card's amplifier has burned down :( Please avoid using this card without attached antenna.
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Re: r5SHpn overload and overheat

Wed Jun 06, 2012 5:52 pm

I have never connected without antenna and both are new, I have over 100 mikrotik devices working, and others have been burned by lightning, but had never seen a case like this.

Nunca las he conectado sin antena y ambas estan nuevas, yo tengo mas de 100 equipos mikrotik trabajando, mas otros que se han quemado por descargas atmosfericas, pero nunca habia visto un caso asi.
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Re: r5SHpn overload and overheat

Thu Jun 07, 2012 4:03 am

i have had this happen to 2 cards myself now and not sure the problem was trying to use 433gl's and thought it was a power issue too. did have one card stay on cant remember exactly how long but disable and re-enable and same thing board not booting. was really pumped at a single chain n card and all mk cards so far have been awesome. Currently have a 27 km link that has been sitting dead for almost 4 months now cause the link was designed for these cards and am scared to put more cards out. 2 different towers 2 different heights 2 different cables 2 different boards. also have a drawer of about 7 cards waiting to be deployed but not after the experience. when did you get your cards we got one very early release and second was few weeks later
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Re: r5SHpn overload and overheat

Thu Jun 07, 2012 8:49 am

Please contact the seller to submit the card to RMA warranty repair. Let me know if you need any assistance with that.