I want to set up a hot spot that when people log in, by default they use OpenDns (because thats what the DHCP server hands out) but when "elevated" users login, their IP address is added to an address list (via "User profile") and the "elevated" users are instead redirected to a different DNS server.
So basically I have set up 2 user profiles "Normal" and "Elevated" they are identical except that the "Elevated" I have the Address List set to "NOT_Filtered_Addresses" and users who log in with this profile are indeed dynamically added to that list.
The problem is my firewall rules are not doing what I intend.
Code: Select all
xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx = public ip of DNS out WAN (dont want to post ip of my dns on forums)
5 ;;; DNS Redirect UDP-53 for NON filtered clients in access list
chain=dstnat action=dst-nat to-addresses=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx to-ports=53 protocol=udp src-address list=NOT_Filtered_Addreses dst-port=53
6 ;;; DNS Redirect TCP-53 for NON filtered clients in access list
chain=dstnat action=dst-nat to-addresses=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx to-ports=53 protocol=tcp src-address-list=NOT_Filtered_Addreses dst-port=53