I have a hotspot running with ssl enabled and I have purchased a certificate.
Everything works fine I can login with https enabled to my hotspot but when I try to purchase credits through paypal when I hit pay with paypal I get this error
http://www.paypal.com uses an invalid certificate
The certificate is only valid for hotspot.antiparosrentals.com
(Error code ssl_error_bad_cert_domain)
Here is the certificate print output
0 KR name="cert1" subject=serialNumber=GXdDgyKIz7fpXvCItDMHnzlmSpBNw1sE,
OU=GT67730217,OU=See http://www.rapidssl.com,resources,cps
(c)12,OU=Domain Control Validated - RapidSSL(R),
issuer=C=US,O=GeoTrust, Inc.,CN=RapidSSL CA serial-number="06DDF7"
invalid-before=jun/08/2012 07:27:47 invalid-after=jun/11/2014 08:37:14
1 D name="cert2" subject=C=US,O=GeoTrust, Inc.,CN=RapidSSL CA
issuer=C=US,O=GeoTrust Inc.,CN=GeoTrust Global CA
serial-number="0236D1" invalid-before=feb/19/2010 22:45:05
invalid-after=feb/18/2020 22:45:05 ca=yes
2 D name="cert3" subject=C=US,O=GeoTrust Inc.,CN=GeoTrust Global CA
issuer=C=US,O=Equifax,OU=Equifax Secure Certificate Authority
serial-number="12BBE6" invalid-before=may/21/2002 04:00:00
invalid-after=aug/21/2018 04:00:00 ca=yes
walled garden output
0 D allow 0
1 D ;;; www.cycladicestate.com
allow 0
2 D ;;; www.antiparosrentals.com
allow 0
3 D allow 0
4 X ;;; place hotspot rules here
allow 0
5 :^www\.paypa... 443 allow 0
6 :^content\.p... 443 allow 0
7 *.akamaiedge... allow 7
8 paypal.112.2... allow 0
Any Ideas?