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Mikrotik RB 750 problem with hotspot

Mon Jul 02, 2012 11:50 am

Dear Sir,

Please help me I have setup hotspot on Mikrotik RB750 it's working but have problem like below:

1. User need to login by Username/Password = working fine.
2. The second user connect to hotspot can access to internet (without ask username/pass).

Check Status: display the first user login.

This is what the problem if like this I need to spend my internet connection and lose money.

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Re: Mikrotik RB 750 problem with hotspot

Mon Jul 02, 2012 10:16 pm

Sounds to me like you have a layer3 hop between your two users and the hotspot. If someone has brought in their own router, anyone that connects to that router shows up as the same device as far as the hotspot is concerned. The hotspot is designed to be a layer2 solution, it does not work the way you want across NAT.
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Re: Mikrotik RB 750 problem with hotspot

Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:45 am

Sounds to me like you have a layer3 hop between your two users and the hotspot. If someone has brought in their own router, anyone that connects to that router shows up as the same device as far as the hotspot is concerned. The hotspot is designed to be a layer2 solution, it does not work the way you want across NAT.
Isn't there an option to use cookie authentication? That should work per-device.
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Re: Mikrotik RB 750 problem with hotspot

Tue Jul 03, 2012 5:09 am

Dear Feklar,

Am using Hotspot setup am not sure about L2, or L3 that Mikrotik provide. I want to know why 1 user access and another user can access without need user/pass.

Could you explain more about this or I miss something configure on router?


Sounds to me like you have a layer3 hop between your two users and the hotspot. If someone has brought in their own router, anyone that connects to that router shows up as the same device as far as the hotspot is concerned. The hotspot is designed to be a layer2 solution, it does not work the way you want across NAT.
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Re: Mikrotik RB 750 problem with hotspot

Tue Jul 03, 2012 11:05 am

jandafields, could you share the configure to me?
Sounds to me like you have a layer3 hop between your two users and the hotspot. If someone has brought in their own router, anyone that connects to that router shows up as the same device as far as the hotspot is concerned. The hotspot is designed to be a layer2 solution, it does not work the way you want across NAT.
Isn't there an option to use cookie authentication? That should work per-device.
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Re: Mikrotik RB 750 problem with hotspot

Tue Jul 03, 2012 6:38 pm

You haven't given enough information to anyone to be able to assist you really. I was giving you the most likely cause for what you are seeing based on the very limited information given. You are saying that one person signs in, and then the second one doesn't have to. The usual cause of that is both clients are connected to the same device, and that device just so happens to be a router, like a DLink or Netgear or TPLink, and that device is doing NAT. Because of the way the NAT and routing work the hotspot doesn't see individual clients when they are behind another NAT device, so once someone signs in that is behind that device, everyone connected to that device is authenticated.

You at the very least need to provide your network setup and layout including the kinds of devices that you are using, and configuration information for your network and router for people to assist properly.

Mikrotik does not "provide" layer2 and layer3, those are basic networking concepts of the OSI model. It is most likely a network setup issue and not a router configuration issue.
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Re: Mikrotik RB 750 problem with hotspot

Wed Jul 04, 2012 12:58 pm


I had the same problem years ago with the second hotspot users, but the problem was that i was testing the second user on the same notebook and the cookies were stored previously with the first username account, thats why i was not asked for username and password in the second test.

You need to remove all cookies in the hotspot menu and logout the first user.
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Re: Mikrotik RB 750 problem with hotspot

Thu Jul 05, 2012 3:29 am

Hi Spacemind,

Yes i have done remove cookies and logout the first user, and login with second user but the first user can access it normal without need user/pass.



I had the same problem years ago with the second hotspot users, but the problem was that i was testing the second user on the same notebook and the cookies were stored previously with the first username account, thats why i was not asked for username and password in the second test.

You need to remove all cookies in the hotspot menu and logout the first user.
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Re: Mikrotik RB 750 problem with hotspot

Thu Jul 05, 2012 12:15 pm

I think there is something that you missed or some hotspot rule that you deleted, i have made that errors in the past.

I can give you a help if you want, send me a private message.

Post also the full configuration here.
Hi Spacemind,

Yes i have done remove cookies and logout the first user, and login with second user but the first user can access it normal without need user/pass.



I had the same problem years ago with the second hotspot users, but the problem was that i was testing the second user on the same notebook and the cookies were stored previously with the first username account, thats why i was not asked for username and password in the second test.

You need to remove all cookies in the hotspot menu and logout the first user.
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Re: Mikrotik RB 750 problem with hotspot

Thu Jul 12, 2012 11:21 am

WHO CAN TELL ME"The market share of Mikrotik RB 750 with Level4 license" in Russia , Ukraine, and South America"Recently my friend are considerating to buy hotspot systems, we compare Ubiquiti Unifi AP with RB750

And some people said the sales of Ubiquiti is better than Mikrotik, Is this true?

Can anyone tell us how is the sales situation of Mikrotik in these new market like Russia , Ukraine, and South America?

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Re: Mikrotik RB 750 problem with hotspot

Sun Dec 13, 2015 5:50 pm

Hello Everybody,

I am also tried to setup hotspot on Mikrotik RB750r2. It's working but I am also having the same set of problems:

When I connect a TP-Link router WAN port with the RB750 LAN hotspot port, then all users on the wireless TP-Link router are seen as a single user by the MikroTik hotspot. If one user gets authenticated, means everyone on that router gets authenticated.

I have tried on TP-Link router by stopping its DHCP server but still the same issue persists.

waiting for a prompt reply