Just got a RN751G-2HnD to use at my small business's office because the consumer-level routers I've had have been too unreliable. I'm very comfortable with "normal" router web interfaces (including DD-WRT), but RouterOS is stumping me. I feel like I should be able to figure this stuff out, but I'm having trouble...
First thing - my device is running 5.11. The license page in WebFig says I can upgrade to v7.x. I've downloaded the 5.18 zip file, added all the packages to The Dude, and connected The Dude to my router. It recognizes the 5.18 upgrade, but when I pull up the context menu in devices and select upgrade -> 5.18, the router's upgrade status changes to "no packages available." But I've confirmed that they are in The Dude's file list. What am I doing wrong? I can't find a way to upload the packages in WebFig.
Second - how do I change the IP address of the router? The first and most basic thing I need is for it to be running as my gateway and DHCP server at I've left everything at default - port 1 is my WAN, the others are LAN ports (2 is master, 3-5 slave). When I've tried going to IP -> Addresses in WebFig and changing the bridge-local interface from to, it seems to update, but then I can no longer access WebFig at either IP address. I've waited for status lights to settle down too, so I don't think I'm just being too impatient when trying to connect at the new address.
I'll eventually want to set up some port forwards and change the DHCP pools available to wired and wireless devices, but I hope the initial configuration wiki will be able to walk me through that. For now, if anyone can help with the simple (I hope?) stuff above I would really appreciate it. Thanks!