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i want the reason of this

Mon Aug 13, 2012 10:22 pm

please help me
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Re: i want the reason of this

Mon Aug 13, 2012 11:18 pm

There could be several reasons for this - but we need some more information before we start making suggestions.

Can you post a screen grab of your Wireless and the Advanced tab when in advanced mode?

There's most likely some interference near that customer

Here are A few quick suggestions:
  • Telnet into their radio (don't use mac-telnet, use real telnet it's more robust) - then do a scan:
    interface wireless scan 0 (or whatever card it is) duration=5 - see what you pick up - if you're using 5 or 10mhz channels - switch the AP over to 20mhz so you can see if what's going on in that band too.

    If there are lots of AP's on that channel - pick a different one.

    Try limiting the maximum negotiation rate - that is if the max download/upload you have your customers set to is 1 MB, there's no reason to have them negotiating at 54mbs - This will improve the quality and reduce the frequency of disconnects. Setting the rates can be tricky though and if you're not using all MikroTik and set the rates exactly in a certain way - some devices may not connect.

    It could be a fresnel zone issue - even though you're signal is relatively good - a blocked freznel zone will result in a poor quality link - Try moving the antenna up, down, all around.
Let us know what you find out

Hope that helps!
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Re: i want the reason of this

Sun Aug 19, 2012 8:12 am

how i can limit the maximum negotiation rate?
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Re: i want the reason of this

Sun Aug 19, 2012 9:36 am

Try limiting the maximum negotiation rate - that is if the max download/upload you have your customers set to is 1 MB, there's no reason to have them negotiating at 54mbs...
As I understand it, there would be one reason: in the case of multiple client devices, negotiating a higher "air rate" will give each device more frequent opportunities to retransmit in the case of contention/collisions. So in the case of a 1Mbps data rate limit, don't just disable every rate above 6Mbps; start by disabling the top rate, and work your way down only as far as needed.
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Re: i want the reason of this

Sun Aug 19, 2012 12:09 pm

try to run some traffic over the interface, and se if that helps. If not, change frequency. Just try some.

Still no good, set to nstreme or nv2. Still no good, change equipment (radio card, cables, anenna) or just do a algin antennas.

In nv2, its common to have really bad ccq and packet trougput, untill traffic is sendt over the connection.
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Re: i want the reason of this

Mon Aug 20, 2012 8:34 am

thank you for these helps
i think that nv2 or nstreme not working with ubnt or tp-link device,i will try to decreasing rates.
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Re: i want the reason of this

Mon Aug 20, 2012 4:38 pm

i think that nv2 or nstreme not working with ubnt or tp-link device,i will try to decreasing rates.
Correct: nstreme and NV2 are proprietary to Mikrotik.