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MagicPacket (WOL) from Internet not working

Fri Sep 07, 2012 4:54 pm

Hi all

I need to run WOL through the Internet so I add to ip firewall:

/ip firewall nat
add action=src-nat chain=srcnat disabled=no src-address= to-addresses=\

add action=dst-nat chain=dstnat disabled=no dst-address=IPEX dst-port=7 protocol=udp \
to-addresses= to-ports=7

add action=dst-nat chain=dstnat disabled=no dst-address=IPEX dst-port=9 protocol=udp
to-addresses= to-ports=9

I tired WakeOnLanGui (windows) and wakeonlan (from debian repo). Packets aim in rules (ip firewall counter is ticking).

Not working so I tested:
/tool wol interface=ether1 mac=00:22:44:66:88:BB
It works.

How to override problem?
How to run tool wol after for example "ping -s 888" ?? ;)

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Re: MagicPacket (WOL) from Internet not working

Fri Sep 07, 2012 6:44 pm

I guess you must to use EoIP or BCP to make Wol over internet.

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Re: MagicPacket (WOL) from Internet not working

Fri Oct 05, 2012 5:29 pm

If it is not too late... this is how I would do it / did it:

1. if you are using DHCP, asign static IPs based on MACs for the computers you want to wake up
2. create static ARPs (this links the IP to the MAC)
3. depending on how many computers you want to wake up, create 1 or more NAT rules for all incoming traffic on a choosed-by-you-port to dst-nat on port 9 of each computer. (keep in mind that NAT rule must be using UDP protocol)

That's all. ;)

P.S. A much more complicated Layer7 solution may be useful in case you have a huge network computers that are changing all the time...But given the fact that WOL only works on wired connections, I really think that is not the case.

(the layer 7 solution, in theory: decode the magic packet, find the MAC Address, log it to memory on a custom-action and run a cron each minute that parses that log.... if there is a match, launch : /tool wol interface=YOUR_LAN_BRIDGE mac=$matched_mac )
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Re: MagicPacket (WOL) from Internet not working

Mon Oct 29, 2012 6:52 am

If it is not too late... this is how I would do it / did it:
2. create static ARPs (this links the IP to the MAC)
Thx mate..
I spent hours till I found this solution!