a while back i setup several dynamic ips with changeip.com becuase the someone wrote a mikrotik script for it.
Well i just WASTED about 6 hours reconfig many of my dynamic IP mikrotiks boxes because for some ridiculous reason change ip requires you to log in every 6 months (keep in mind i have had a NEED TO LOG IN IN OVER 4 YEARS). If i had know this joke of a restriction i would have NEVER used changeip for my system back 6-7 yrs ago when i first started with MT stuff.
So anyway, notice to others, find a better solution for dynamic IPs, change ip is a horrible solution that will eventually mess you over just so the owner get a few more hits to his site (if you dont log in to your account on the website your account gets erased.- keep in mind there is ZERO reason to ever log in).
avoid changeip dyn services.