I got another reply from Mikrotik.
The person I'm corresponding with successfully tested eap-ttls-mschapv2 using the following set-up:
"...a test EAP radius server and got connected with an android phone and then
repeated the connection with the RouterOS as a client and it was working fine
when specifying the
supplicant-identity and the
mschapv2-user/password and and
I personally don't have access to a eap-ttls-mschapv2 setup at the moment, but testing it with a cert would probably be good. I know this thread is regarding PEAP, but can anyone verify they have eap-ttls-mschapv2 working with a cert? (or let me know if there is something I don't understand

Now, about PEAP, the person I'm corresponding with reasserted and noted the following:
"Since we don't have PEAP support eap-peap method will not work.
Currently we don't have any plans to add support the PEAP for the RouterOS
wireless client."
I've asked if a formal feature request can be put in and if the eap-ttls-mschapv2 stuff can be put into the GUIs. I'll update when I hear more.