not tried RC6 yet, but in rc6 it won't work completely okay even after series of calibrations.
for example - inpredictible touch sensetivity feats[regardless accuracy/pressure], ignore settings from LCD portion of settings[from CLI], randomly shuffling slideshow on random interface, ignore "backlight" timer setting.
generally not use LCD much personally, but if could be quite funny to have it operational/okay, for sure )
*update: rolled RC6 and LCD worked "from box" without any tweaking or re-calibration ! GREAT !!*
[all keys, areas worked from single light touch w/o problem] now i need 4.3'' LCD or DP interface for my TV
/kidding. btw RouterOS can support DLNA in future for monitoring purposes ?
ie to stream at least health info[in RO-mode] could be nice to tune you home TV/PVR/smartphone without any serious tweaking and 3rd-party SW and ask/look "how are you, Dude ?" router.
side-effect[probably someone hard work] - also quite cute icons appear in winbox/webfig