1. I had to turn off the wifi from a working RB Hotspot and use external wireless. I have a PPTP connection from this Hotspot to connect to my main RB1000 over Internet so I can manage it.
So I just connected this RB behind a router and put the hotspot on ether1.
If I turn off the hotspot, the PPTP-OUT can connect fine. If I turn on, it times out.
Things I tried and haven't worked:
a.Put ether1 mac on IP Bindings
b.put the ether1 IP on walled garden, plus the destination IP on walled garden
c. add the firewall rules:
Code: Select all
0 ;;; place hotspot rules here
chain=unused-hs-chain action=passthrough
1 chain=input action=accept protocol=udp src-port=1700
2 chain=input action=accept protocol=gre
3 chain=input action=accept protocol=tcp dst-port=1723
4 chain=hs-unauth action=accept protocol=udp src-address=
5 chain=hs-unauth action=accept protocol=gre in-interface=ether1
Code: Select all
Flags: X - disabled, I - invalid, D - dynamic
0 X ;;; place hotspot rules here
chain=unused-hs-chain action=passthrough
1 ;;; masquerade hotspot network
chain=srcnat action=masquerade src-address=
2 chain=srcnat action=masquerade
3 ;;; masquerade hotspot network
chain=srcnat action=masquerade src-address=
thanks a lot