For the life of me, I can't get the USB port to even show up in the port listings. The serial port shows up, and on every other model of router I've had with a usb port, the usb will show up there too. None of my RB2011's show a usb port. What do I have to do to get it to work? I've tried plugging in USB memory sticks and USB cellular sticks during boot up. I'm using the cable that came with the device (usb otg to usb).
If I go to the system > routerboard > usb menu in the terminal, I can't switch the mode because it says the command doesn't exist.
I never had any of these issues with the 751, it just worked...
I have also tried the following firmware versions: 5.21, 5.22 and 6.0rc6, with 6.0rc6 I also tried installing all the packages and not just using the upgrade package.