The datasheet for the card can be found here:
At this time we have an experimental license from the FCC and have been designing and testing these radio cards in MikroTik boards for a few months now. It has been about a two year long project thus fur.
Most information can be found on that website concerning the cards specs. They are referred to as HAM radio devices because they are not type accepted yet for WhiteSpace use, as we cannot sell cards to anyone that does not have a proper license at the moment.
We are working on writing code to control the behavior of these cards, there are regulations at the moment that must be followed during this trial period, we are working with Keybridge & Spectrum Bridge currently for database access.
We'd love to stick to using MikroTik boards for these cards, they work great. All our tests are pretty successful, the real problem lies in the fact that we can not code a MikroTik package to have total control over these cards, mainly an issue for CPE units, where we can not have them transmitting constantly searching for a signal where there is none. They need to be smart enough to turn themselves off and wait a respectable amount of time before retransmitting.
Right now we're just crunching down trying to write some control software. This next week we will be putting another AP up on one of our towers, and we will be doing a lot of long distance NLOS testing during that period. Should be interesting.
The rules will change eventually, so in the future this type of behavior may not be a requirement. I'd love some input from people with any ideas or questions, comments, ecetera.
I'll monitor this thread but anyone interested in what we are doing, and how you can do it too or you would like to contribute to our project, contact me:
or you can contact
Either one of us will be able to help you out. I really want some pressure from the MikroTik community and keep these cards around for use in MikroTik's exclusively if we can corner the software control issue. Maybe if we stomp our feet enough MT will work with us to come up with a WhiteSpace package for use on our and any future devices. Or (fingers crossed) allow us to write our own packages.