I have been trying out ROS 6 (rc13) on some of our routers, and i have noted that the way queues work have changed for double qos. It seems that rate limiting with simple queues is no where near as stable as rate limiting with queue tree in the older versions of ROS.
This week we have just installed ROS 6 at a new site, and our first 4 customers at the new site have connected. We have a good point to point link that pushes 80Mb/s to the site (tested with iPerf) so there is no way the bottle neck is on out back haul.
We limit a customer to say 20Mb/s downstream with simple queues but struggle to get 15Mb/s.
As an experiment tonight, i saw a customer pulling a large download so i decided to remove the simple queue that was rate limiting that customer. Immediately the throughput climbed upto around 40Mb/s to the customer, so the point to point link and the point to multi point access to the customer is good. Only simple queues seem to be slowing things up for our customers.
Any thoughts?