What protocols are being developed to Multihome without using BGP in IPv6?
****In case that question is not understood I am providing more information****
http://www.theipv6experts.net/2011/ente ... ming-ipv6/
My current setup
2 Gateways (Load balancing and redundancy) (VLAN 1-3 to one and VLAN 4 to the other)
2 Mikrotik RB (Using VRRP) (First RB is master for vlan 1-3 and second is Master for VLAN 4)
I have specific vlans going out specific gateways. Unless a router or a Gateway fails. Then everything is automatically rerouted.
SO with IPv4 this is not an issue. With IPv6 it will become an issue. One of my providers is offering IPv6 addresses now the other will be in a few months.