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Can RB450 handle this?

Wed May 29, 2013 10:51 pm

Can RB450 handle 60 clients network which are students with the following function?
if they are all active at the same time.
Load balancing with 2 WAN
Simple Qos

Between, is 2 X 8M/512(DL/UL) WAN link enough for 60 clients network?
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Re: Can RB450 handle this?

Wed May 29, 2013 11:50 pm

Yes, we have several 450 boards that run 100-150 room hotels that see more than 60 users a day with load balancing. For $30 more it might be worth it to go with the G board though, or a 2011 for a bit extra power.
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Re: Can RB450 handle this?

Thu May 30, 2013 7:35 am

Yes, we have several 450 boards that run 100-150 room hotels that see more than 60 users a day with load balancing. For $30 more it might be worth it to go with the G board though, or a 2011 for a bit extra power.
How about your wan link speed?