in IP address add on interface wlan1
after that, open IP DHCP Server window and go for DHCP Setup
1. choose Interface wlan1
2. make sure that DHCP address space is correct ( it suppose to be )
3. the gateway for this server suppose to be
4. then define the range of addresses, let it be (in this case You will have some always free addresses to use in the future)
5. I suggest you to paste DNS addresses which You got from Your Internet service provider
6. Finally change the lease time ( 1d will be enough i think )
Go to IP Firewall, switch to NAT overlap
Add new rule
General overlap:
Chain: srcnat
Out interface: ether1
Action overlap:
action: masquerade
Now, go to wireless and run scanner on interface wlan1
see what is on the ether, You will have to choose some frequency in next step
go to Wireless - Security Profiles
create new profile:
Name it
choose authentication type (may be wpa2 psk)
choose unicast and group ciphers (tkip or aes)
enter the pre-shared key
edit wlan1
In general:
Arp: enabled
In Wireless:
Mode: ap bridge
Band: B/G/N
Channel width: 20/40 above
Frequency: choose something "free"
SSID: name of your wireless network
Wireless protocol: 802.11
Security profile: choose the profile that you create before
Bridge mode: enabled
In HT:
Make sure that all 4 HT Tx & Rx chains are on
In Nstreme:
make sure that polling is on
and Nstreme is off
Now You can try to connect to your new SSID by using password from created security profile , if I'm right you should have Internet