I have a rather complex network setup, using a bit of everything, I'm trying to get a RB532A with 2 Atheros WLAN Adapters to connect to an access point, and bridge the broadcast domain to a ether1 and the other wlan interface.
The RB532A has 5 interfaces-
wlan1 connects as a client, to an existing AP (Cisco 871w)
wlan2 acts as an AP, clients pull DHCP from the Cisco 871w
ether1, 2, and 3 all connect to local ethernet clients, which need to pull DHCP from the Cisco 871w.
So I tried putting everything into a bridge, and at first, could ping everything from the RB532A; but not after a reboot. After a reboot, I can no longer ping any wireless clients, nor the 871w, even though they appear to still connect fine.
Even while I can ping everything FROM the RB532a, I cannot ping THROUGH it (IE, from a client hanging off of ether1, thru wlan1 to the Cisco 871w. I tried messing with the Forwarding rules to no avail..
I need to keep everything on the same broadcast domain, and would prefer not complicate things with giving every interface in IP.
I currently have RouterOS v6.1 on the RB532a; and yes, I know, a RB532a is extreme overkill for what I'm using it for, but I had it laying around from a previous project.