I have the following setup (backhaul link):
RB532 (station 1*SR5) ----15km----RB532(2*SR5)----12km----RB532(station 1*SR5)
Signal levels are more than sufficient (-52, -57)
Every RB has set up a bridge between wlan and ethernet interfaces. Connection tracking disabled, no firewall rules at all. Just simply backhaul from first to third routerboard.
Everything is OK if there is less than 4Mbit traffic. A day ago we started to use more bandwidth on this backhaul, and I was very suprised when packet loss occured. Only then I found out that the CPUs are overloaded. CPU on site 2 is constant 100% while site 1 and 3 was 80% or higher.
I have to say that the other end of the backhaul are 200+ users, 30% of them are P2P leechers (torrent etc.)
Now, i had to lower the bandwidth consumption, redirectiong some of the users to alternate link. At this moment, there is arround 3.2Mbit incoming (1100 packets), and 1.6Mbit (1000 packets) outgoing traffic, CPU load 70-80%
Is is posible that RB532`s CPU is not powerfull enough to handle this ammount of traffic??
Please HELP, I will lose my hair
