Your guide looks good, but it's a bit much for what I'm wanting to achieve. When would you mark connections over packet?
Also, If I create a default queue of 10m/10m at priority 8, then a sub queue with 2m/2m with priority 1 which has the marked sip traffic, would that work?
You should mark connections if those connections are somewhat long running, say over a minute, and there are several of them in parallel. Imagine you have several phone calls going on, you can guess the CPU usage from stamping
every single packet for 5 active calls.
When it comes to queue creation, I'm still learning. But basically put marked VoIP connections in a queue that will never actually be limited. Don't put HTTP traffic in that same queue for example. Then make another queue for packets you know will most likely exceed your bandwidth. I don't yet understand the concept of priority. Priority does not prevent packets from dropping, which you must never do with VoIP.