Hi there,
I have a RB951G-2HnD at home which dials my 10mbps ADSL via PPPoE.
Over the last month or so, I have experienced what I can only assume is some "attack" of sorts, and I am not smart enough to understand how or why it is happening. It has happened about six times now. Basically what happens first is that I notice that my Internet connection is performing very poorly. When I look at my ADSL interface, the outgoing throughput is in the region of 3mbps, which incidentally is impossible on my ADSL line (maximum 1mbps upstream).
When I run Torch on the interface, I see that the traffic is coming from a Russian IP address (no port is shown, even when I tick "Port" in Torch). To fix this, what I've been doing is going to Firewall -> Filter Rules and creating a new rule that drops all traffic to that IP address on the output chain. This immediately fixes my performance, and I can see the rule catching hundreds of megabytes of data until the "attacker" eventually gives up.
Any ideas on what this could be, and/or how I could better-protect myself from future "attacks"? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.