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High CPU usage after hardware change

Tue Jun 06, 2006 5:44 pm

I had an old HP computer that had a pentium ~233 processor in it with 128Mb memory. I was running two four port ethernet cards on the box. The power supply finally died on it and I decided to upgrade the hardware since this router is a core router. On the old HP, I was running around 10 percent CPU usage on average.

Because this was an emergency failure, I went to a local box store and bought an off the shelf e-machine that has an AMD 1.8Ghz processor and 256Mb memory. I took the hard drive out of the HP and put it in the emachine. It booted up fine. The only thing it didnt do was recognize the on-board ethernet port. This wasn't a problem because I didn't need it with the other 8 ports I had available.

However, now the CPU stays > 80 percent most of the time and will sit at 100 percent for a great portion of time. This seems to be service affecting because it slows down everyone on the router.

Why would this hardware change make the CPU run so much harder?
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Tue Jun 06, 2006 6:09 pm

My friend had this exact problem last week... he's sleeping now so I can't ask him but I believe he said he had to delete and re-add the ip addresses to the interfaces. If you try this take a supout first and afterwards so there is a way for support to figure out why.

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Tue Jun 06, 2006 6:26 pm

Hmm.. OK. I'll give that a shot. The box is 150 miles from here so I'll have to be careful and try not to lock myself out.
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Tue Jun 06, 2006 8:20 pm

here is what he said fixed it:

"I went to the bios and disabled all usb, unused serial, printer ports, and set the "reset ecsd" then booted. High CPU went away afterward." I was mistaken about disable/enable ips.
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Wed Jun 07, 2006 4:41 pm

Yeah.. the IP thing didn't work. I'll give that a shot and see if it resolves the CPU issue.