Hi all,
Please advise how to setup Office WiFi
I need one SSID for internal users, and one SSID for guests (isolated one)
How to do that on rOS 6.7?
Hi,what routerboard do u use?
A quick high jack of this topic:I hope that you understand the pictures
I'm are verry tired but i will you help you
I made printscreens and see this
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Let me know if you no longer need him
Note the IP addresses may differ with yours
I hope i helpt you
http://www.wirelessinfo.be/index.php/mi ... pages/vap2
/ip route rule add src-address= dst-address= action=drop
If the wAP is already acting as a bridge-only device, then it should be easy to add the guest network to this device.I want to replace my single SSID LINKSYS AP with a Mikrotik wAP and introduce a separate SSID for guests which is isolated from LAN. I want wlan1 interface to relay DHCP from RB750 firewall, however the virtual interface wlan2 might serve a DHCP server for guest clients. I could make a bridge on wAP with ether1 and wlan1. I have no idea how to route the virtual wlan2 to RB750 over ether1.
Firstly, no the traffic must go to the 750G in order to get from one vlan to the other, especially if there's no IP address in the WAP on the public bridge.The difficulty sets in as I continue with the firewall rules to isolate the guest from the local network. With the current setup I can ping from guest into the private network. It seems that the guest gets into the private addresses straight in wAP. Is this correct or am I wrong about that? If so, I tried creating firewall rules, but RouterOS / wAP does not let me create firewall forward rules between wlan2-public and !ether1 -- both of these are slaves. It seems I can create firewall rules just between the bridge interfaces, but it does not help as doing so blocks the entire traffic. Any ideas?
Thank you @plisken for the link. It works like a charm. But... i want to make another thing and i have some difficulties. Here is the scenario.Your welcome no problem
This is the definitive website about virtual access point.
Even clearer without bridge.
http://www.wirelessinfo.be/index.php/mi ... pages/vap1