It looks to me that the RADIUS server is case-sensitive for both username and password, right?
Is there a way of setting it up such that ONLY passwords are case-sensitive?
# Whether or not we want to treat "user" the same
# as "USER", or "User". Some systems have problems
# with case sensitivity, so this should be set to
# 'no' to enable the comparisons of the key attribute
# to be case insensitive.
case_sensitive = yes
# Use these for case sensitive usernames.
authorize_check_query = "SELECT id, UserName, Attribute, Value, op \
FROM ${authcheck_table} \
WHERE Username = BINARY '%{SQL-User-Name}' \
authorize_reply_query = "SELECT id, UserName, Attribute, Value, op \
FROM ${authreply_table} \
WHERE Username = BINARY '%{SQL-User-Name}' \
The company I work today have a control software that uses Accounting data to send the POD to mikrotik. They don't want to change the actual software to something that allow to drop user from Authentication data. Actually, yes, we have an "online customers" list in this software that gather information from ACK login at Radius on MK and register it, that I can drop anyone (Diconnect) without any issues at all. The problem is that we have about 4K customers using mixed case mode in their login forms (either Hotspot/PPPoE). The automatic proccess of blocking an access or releasing an access is not working properly. Well, almost now is only not working for PPP users, as I told before they are obligated to use UPPERCASE in hotspot page. But this doesn't occur in PPPoE.Lower case the username in an authetnication packet, but leave it as is in an accounting packet?
Surely, you are using ACCOUNTING data to send PODs, not AUTHENTICATION data?