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Problem with Prism cards

Sat Jan 07, 2006 8:58 pm

Hi all,

how can I downgrade form 2.9.6 to 2.8 on routerbard 532 ?

I have very big problems with clients accessing my new AP based on MIkrotik RB532 with Senao NL-2511MP+ that has Prism chipset. I am using two cards on one routerboard and there are up to 30 clients on each card.

There are some topics in the forum that says this is the problem of 2.9 firmware.
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Sun Jan 08, 2006 2:41 am

You can't, the RB532 can't run the 2.8 OS.
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Sun Jan 08, 2006 3:00 am

Create a backup of your settings, load MTROS 2.8.x, and restore (load) your backup..... It works, I've done it
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Sun Jan 08, 2006 9:18 am

Another problem - where can I get 2.8 firmware for RB532? It is not available on
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Mon Jan 09, 2006 4:29 pm

Create a backup of your settings, load MTROS 2.8.x, and restore (load) your backup..... It works, I've done it
Are you saying that you backed up 2.9.x from a RB532 and then installed 2.8.x on the same RB532 and then you just restored the backup of 2.9.x and all was working good?
Does it show up as 2.8 now or 2.9?
Did it fix the problems with prism cards?
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Tue Jun 20, 2006 5:55 pm

Hi Jober

What I didn't know, was certain (older) 2.8.x versions can't be used on the later 2.9.x versions. I recon I tried installing something like 2.8.21 on 2.9.6, can't remember. I tried loading 2.8.20 on a 2.9.12, and it didn't work. Perhaps you should upgrade the MT to the latest version, load backup, create backup, load on old 2.9.x, etc till you get it working. Never tried it though.

Let me know if you got anything working, and if you had to reconfigure everything.

Lately we keep very little info on our routers, only IP Pools, IP's on the interfaces and offcourse a few routes, and drop-p2p in the firewall. All auth is done using RADIUS.
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Tue Jun 20, 2006 6:51 pm


I think you missed the question. 2.8 does not work on a RouterBoard532. You can't downgrade from 2.9 to 2.8 on one of these boards.

rastod, Try upgrading to a newer version of 2.9 (like the current one). They have fixed some of the problems with Prism on the later versions. Can't confirm that it fixes everything, but it's worth a try and really your only option.
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Wed Jun 21, 2006 3:03 pm

Can confirm that prisms are working ok with new wireless packages (not legacy) Current version 2.9.26 works fine.

Cheers all...