Factors that influence may be the same antenna system, noise, interference from other link to the same point or at the other end.
The solution to do some tests on our own at various frequencies are guaranteed but quite time to spent.
The idea
A script that automatically change the frequency in the access point, waiting for the client to connect and then do and records some bandwidth tests, ccq, signal, data rate, flood ping.
Deactivating bgp peer during the test.
Check if the client connected in the time provided by.
If not connected, informs and still waiting 10 sec more.
It checks the up-time of the link and if found less than the duration of bw-test informs that "link unstable" during the measurements.
Calculates the time taken to connect the client and automatically readjusts new connection time +10 sec.
At the end of the process turns the link to the original frequency and activate the bgp peer.
The result is to have a table of the link performances by frequency.
At a glance shows which frequencies have the worst behavior, many lost packets and should be avoided.
Instead, you usually see groups of channels with better performance, more balanced Tx / Rx and low lag which should be preferred.
The results are written to a txt file, it can be open with a worksheet (libreoffice calc or excel) and compare the results.
To write the txt file from new terminal
Code: Select all
/system logging action
add disk-file-name=scriptlog name=action1 target=disk
/system logging
add action=action1 topics=script
At the top of the script has to change ...
the name of the interface
the remote ip
bgp peer name
the minimum – maximum frequencies that we want to try and step by eg 5, 10, 20 MHz
frequency that will turn the link when finished.
user & pass if authenticate the bw-test
and below the “Print Labels at txt” a text to know what tests we do.
Adjust and Access point and client in super channel
On the client, scan list from to where we want to do testing and data rate or mcs is good to be default or all selected.
Run the script only from the access point.
When finished, pull the file that creates and open with libre office or excel, delimited with spaces as separator.
Logically it should be all aligned and correctly.