I'm using UM v5.4. When I have got a linkdown there is the problem that the UM don't recognize that session is stopped and the session of the users are still active in UM.
So when the link is back and the users want to connect UM says that they can't connect because it is only allowed do use the logging one time simultaneously.
Is there a sollution for that problem?
I try to script something but I have a problem. To close a session I need the number of the session. How the get the number of the session?!? See code ..
Code: Select all
:local LastSessionUpdate;
:local SessionTimeout;
:foreach i in=[/tool user-manager session find where active=yes] do={
#when was the last Update of the session-informations
:set LastSessionUpdate [/tool user-manager session get $i till-time]
#SessionTimeout is a value that tells me how many seconds ago the last update of this session was
:set SessionTimeout ([system clock get time] - [:pick $LastSessionUpdate ([:find $LastSessionUpdate " "]+1) [:len $LastSessionUpdate]]-[/system clock get gmt-offset])
#Updates are every minute, if last update is more then 60 seconds ago then close session
:if ($SessionTimeout > 60) do={
#how to get the number from the session??
/tool user-manager session close-session numbers= ???