Normis is right about the thing he said, the problem is WIRELESS, with the traffic the ping is going more and more
Do something....
do ping test
1. ping ISP gateway interval 0.1 size 1500 (according to me 5-10ms)
2. ping ISP gateway interval 0.1 size 15000 (10-15ms)
show the output, so we can see if u have a real problem with the pings....
cause people used to the cable connection whats too much from the wireless, WHEN low cost equipment is involved like SXT!!!
According to me SXT is best fit for less than 800m, for more go with satellite antennas.... - its all about bad noise
3. Start downloading a torrent with limitation of 10% of what u are given by ISP
4. 1. ping ISP gateway interval 0.1 size 1500
5. show result.
For good , no! Excellent PING, u have to go with Dual Nstream... which is NOT a low cost decision
NV2 u use is good for bandwidth, but not for pings.... If u are not gona use the whole bandw try without it!
Are there any other antennas around ur house/office or around the ISP antenna location ? If there is....
do frequency monitor to check what is happening.... try different frequencies.... it works from time to time
Show us the ping result, to see if you really have an issue
and the last picture u shared, I cant see it... whats the CCQ ?
take in mind that CCQ changes when the traffic go up, but not so much!!!