i've spent my whole afternoon to play with 2.0b2

. I've drawed 3 times my network.. first time i've drawed it. then dudes.exe crashed all the times.. no export was possible.. then I've drawed it again - during the drawing I've exported it TEN TIMES in xml. then the crashing came again.. BUT: after reinstalling, I couldn't import at least one of my ten XML backups

, because this 'crash' effect came independent from the version of the xml file..
then I've drawed my network in v1.2. upgraded to 2.0b2 (database, and tried also xml reimport). almost OK, but the default 'Local Map' doesn't show any graphical elements.. its fully white.. but the elements are there because they are in the devices/links/etc links...
could you help me? thx!
I can send you my XMLs...